
Well, I Just Submitted My First Abstract To Speak At A Conference


Putting the game face on. And just doing it.

I've been on the fence for weeks nowโ€ฆ. but I quickly filled out the forms to speak at NWA Techfest before I could change my mind!

I'm a bit nervous. It'll be my first speaking engagement at a conference, but I've been wanting to do this for a while. I've given training and talks in front of several large groups of people, probably larger than I'll have in my session here if I get accepted, but I've never actually been a speaker at a conference.

I originally had the idea to give a talk for Ruby developers to get started with Objective-C (iOS and Mac programming language in case you're a tourist here). I was going to call it 'Objective-C For Rubyists' but last minute I just decided to make it 'Objective-C For Web Developers.' I'll cover Ruby and PHP Developers introducing themselves to Objective-C. I really loathe PHP and never work in it anymore but I wanted to touch more of the web developers in the area and I think there's more PHP developers than Ruby developers in the area. ( and on top of that, more .Net developers than Ruby and PHP, but who cares about them, right? )

This is what I submitted for my talk. I'm sure I'll have confirmation soon if it will be accepted or not. If it is, I will be the only speaker on the Mobile Development track for NWA Techfest 2012.


Objective-C For Web Developers


Are you a Ruby or PHP developer and have been on the fence with jumping into iOS development? You want to join in on the wave but you're apprehensive about going from building web applications to native apps using Objective-C? It's really not as daunting as it may seem and you already have the foundation in code to get started. I'll touch on how developing in Ruby and PHP compare to developing in Objective-C for the iOS platform and how there's no better time than now to stop thinking about it and just start doing iOS development regardless of your development background.

If you'll be in town, come give me a little support and listen to my talk!

I'll probably be pretty nervous. And more than likely possibly intoxicated.

Addam Hardy